Sunday, August 11, 2019

What leadership styles dominate the Chinese market Essay

What leadership styles dominate the Chinese market - Essay Example This paper aims to determine which leadership style is the most suitable for companies in China as it is the leadership style of a manager coupled with organizational culture that determines the employee job satisfaction and organizational commitment. Leadership styles are employed by managers to suit the needs of the people and the organization that is being led. It is almost always a mix of the six leadership styles: visionary, coaching, affiliative, democratic, pace-setting and commanding, that today’s leaders practice in successfully leading their teams. These styles are adopted by the leader either individually or as a mix of more than one style, within the context of the people and organizational needs at that moment. The success with which leaders adopt the different styles, to what extent each style has its influence on employee performance and job satisfaction and how the organizational culture affects the job satisfaction and organizational commitment by the employee will be explored. Further, it will also be understood as to the shelf life of each style or if the adopted style is applicable to all situations and sectors in Chinese organizations. Finally, qualitative analysis of available literature in published journals, news articles and websites can help understand the most suitable leadership style for my business in the Chinese region that can have the maximum impact on employee job satisfaction and organizational commitment. ... nies in China as it is the leadership style of a manager coupled with organizational culture that determines the employee job satisfaction and organizational commitment (Lok and Crawford, 2004). Leadership styles are employed by managers to suit the needs of the people and the organization that is being led. It is almost always a mix of the six leadership styles: visionary, coaching, affiliative, democratic, pace-setting and commanding, that today’s leaders practice in successfully leading their teams. These styles are adopted by the leader either individually or as a mix of more than one style, within the context of the people and organizational needs at that moment (Murray, 2012). The success with which leaders adopt the different styles, to what extent each style has its influence on employee performance and job satisfaction and how the organizational culture affects the job satisfaction and organizational commitment by the employee will be explored. Further, it will also b e understood as to the shelf life of each style or if the adopted style is applicable to all situations and sectors in Chinese organizations. Also, it will help to understand how the leaders can effectively determine which leadership style to use under certain circumstances, and how they communicate through their style of leadership. Finally, qualitative analysis of available literature in published journals, news articles and websites can help understand the most suitable leadership style for my business in the Chinese region that can have the maximum impact on employee job satisfaction and organizational commitment. 2. Literature Review a. Introduction Leadership style adopted by managers in Chinese firms has an impact on job satisfaction and commitment and leadership style is influenced by

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