Saturday, February 22, 2020

Critically compare and contrast the major cultural and institutional Essay

Critically compare and contrast the major cultural and institutional features and predominant HR policies and practices in UK an - Essay Example Both the two countries managed a score of 35 points on power distance. Germany is seen to be highly decentralized while at the same time it is also strongly supported by a large middle class. The Key management in various institutions have to carefully take into consideration any co-determination rights that may exist, in addition to its leadership being continually challenged to display appropriate levels of expertise. Extensive control is also one of the factors that is strongly disliked in Germany (Hofstede Centre 2013). In comparison to this, the British society has been noted to be strongly advocating for and believing that any inequalities that may happen to exist between people should be greatly minimized. Hofstede also shows that there are some inherent tensions in British culture as pertaining to one not being limited to how far they can be able to progress in life irrespective of where they were born on one hand, and the relative importance of birth rank on the other hand ( Hofstede Centre 2013). ... In comparison to the British society, the German society attains a score of 67 on the Individualism score (Hofstede Centre 2013). German society tends to focus on parent-children relationships with little emphasis on uncles and aunts. German communication is ranked as being one of the highest scores globally in line with the accepted ideal of one being honest even if it hurts (Mooij 2007). With a high score of 66 points, the German society is highly regarded as being a mainly masculine society. Good performance is highly valued and the German school system is keen to spate children into several different types of schools when they reach the age of ten. The general sense is that people in Germany â€Å"live to work† and their tasks provide them with self esteem. In Comparison, the British society also attains a score of 66 in masculinity (Hofstede Centre 2013). The British society is also highly driven and success oriented. People in Britain also live to work and well defined a nd clear performance ambitions (Strangleman and Warren 2008). On the uncertainty avoidance score, the UK with a score of 35 is seen to be quite a happy nation (Gibson 2002). With the low score in UAI, the British as seen to be relatively comfortable in any ambiguous situations that they may happen to encounter. (Hofstede Centre 2013). The German score on the UAI index is also set at 35. The society tends to place a lot of importance on details so as to ascertain that a project has been well thought-out. Germans are seen to compensate for any high uncertainty on their part by strongly relying on their individual expertise (Mead and Andrews 2009). The

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Social Responsibility and Financial Performance Literature review

Social Responsibility and Financial Performance - Literature review Example In order to conduct a literature review, two main themes are being highlighted including the relationship of CSR and financial performance and the relationship of CSR and Shareholders Value (Aras et al., 2010). A literature review is carried out by incorporating conceptual and theoretical frameworks (Aupperle et al., 1985). The theoretical framework provides relevant theories and models associated with corporate social responsibility and its impact on financial performances and shareholders’ value. The conceptual framework would improvise the need for research on the basis of previous researchers by various scholars and be examining their objectives, the methodology adopted and research findings. This provides insight on how different variables identified in themes chosen are linked together and are a significant part of in the corporate sector. The emergence of corporate scandals, financial responsibilities, and environmental threats has sensitized the society to be concerned with the social and ethically responsible behavior of companies. The concept of Social Responsibility (CSR) refers to the role of businesses towards the society. Cane and Matten (2010) in their study highlights, ‘it is by now fairly widely accepted that businesses do indeed have responsibilities beyond simply making a profit’ (Crane & Matten, 2010). A number of concepts such as Corporate Citizenship, Corporate Sustainability, and Corporate Social Responsibility are listed with regard to social responsibilities.Â